I'm glad you mentioned that. Yes. Judy had one son. She battled his father for
custody. She was on the road supporting them all while her son's father accused
her of abandoning them.  Her son battled depression, drugs, and alcoholism all
his life, then committed suicide just when he seemed to get his life on track.
An artist friend of mine was in a private rehab center with him in the early
70's. He had painted a gorgeous Joan of Arc after Judy's recording of the L.
Cohen song. I sent her a slide of it and told her he was having a bad time
battling alcohol. She sent him a 3 page letter that thrilled him to this day. He
still drinks, but he's still painting. Her Singing Lessons: A Memoir of Love,
Loss, Hope, and Healing recounts her dealing with this tragedy. My signed copy
from her is one of my "Roses dipped in sealing wax."



> In a message dated 9/26/02 12:06:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> >
> > >I received the videotape of the 1993 NBC newscast today and immediately
> > >popped it in. It was a story on "Older Mothers". The narrator said "Singer
> > >Joni Mitchell gave birth to a son at 52 years of age," then there was a
> > >5-second clip of Joni holding her baby and saying "I'd do it again, too!"
> >
> > Maybe it was Judy Collins. ;>)
> >
> This is a rather odd discussion...but it wasn't Judy (if it was anyone). Judy
> had one child, a son, who died about 10 years ago.
> Bryan

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