kakki and darice, you both must have led a good life, because there sure is
a lot of gooooood karma going your way.  i wish things like that would
happen in sacramento.  thanks for the stories, gene green w/envy.
----- Original Message -----
From: "kakki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Paz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Joni Digest"
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: Graham show - Joni and related content - LONG

> I'm still exhausted but will try to hit some of the high points.  It
> was a special night.  Met up with Darice at HOB early and hardly anyone
> there so Darice just opened the door and walked in after we heard the
> rehearsal going on.  I followed, of course, and we got to listen to the
> "pre-show" a bit.  Then I had to go wait in the "Industry" line to pick up
> our tickets from Guacamole Fund.  We were chatting with two guys standing
> behind us when one said "there's Joni!" as she slipped through the VIP
> entrance.  The guy sounded like he knew her but I didn't think much more
> about it at that point.  We waited a long time in the line because
> apparently the guest list of several pages kept burgeoning and the powers
> that be wanted to have it all finalized before they let anyone in.  Once
> finally got in I was amazed to see that the audience was comprised of at
> least 90% celebrities and family and friends of Graham and the band!  It
> a strange feeling - being a regular folk - it felt like barging in on a
> "private party" in a way.  The actor Ed Begley, Jr. hung out at the bar
> us a bit and offered us some french fries.  Nice man.  Then the show
> Graham and band (Kunkel, Klein, Pevar, Parks, Raymond) were just perfect
> throughout the night and how could they not be?  Interestingly, Graham
> played about 3 or 4 songs from his new album, and devoted the majority of
> the show to all his best songs of the past 30 years.  It was wonderful.
> least three times, he made references to Joni while starting a song!  She
> seemed to be definitely on his mind.  He sang "I Used to Be a King" almost
> right off the bat, the song that he claims to have written the day they
> broke up.  While he was playing the interlude from The Whale Song and
> in the middle segued to a bit of "River" before going on to "Wind on the
> Water."   Before another song that I don't recall now he said "Joni taught
> me this crazy tuning!" at which point several in the audience starting
> calling out for her to come down to the stage and sing with him, but she
> didn't.  He did beautiful renditions of "Pavanne", "Winchester Cathedral,"
> "49 Bye Byes," and also "Immigration Man," "Pre-Road Downs", Marrakesh
> Express," "Wasted on the Way"" and "Military Madness."  Graham's wife
> was standing next to us at one point and we talked to her a bit.  She is
> beautiful and very sweet.  So you know me - had to go check out the
> porch upstairs and while I'm on my way there I run into the two guys from
> the ticket line heading the same way (and passing Jackson Browne on the
> way).  So they start talking about Joni again and I asked if they knew her
> and they said yes.  I asked what the one guy did and he said he mastered
> records - asked his name and he said Joe Gastwirt (!) This is the man who
> did all the remastering of Joni's (and CSN's and Grateful Dead's and a
> of others ) albums for HDCD.  He also did the CSN box set and Joni's
> Amazing - very friendly and nice guy and he said Joni and Graham are his
> favorite people to work with.  Back downstairs for more Graham, who
> introduced with mock irony his first encore as "the song I will be singing
> the rest of my fucking life" "Our House" ;-) and then ended with "Teach
> Children."  After the show Darice and I were supposed to meet John, the
> manager up on the exclusive third floor because he was supposed to take us
> into the dressing room.  We got up there and he told us to wait just one
> minute at which I ran out for another smoke, running into Joe Gastwirt
> again.  Darice followed me out.  Well, it's all my fault because John came
> out frantically looking for us and said he'd had them all lined up but
> thought we'd left - argh!  He did take us to meet Graham for a quick bit
> as we were heading that way, Joni was heading past us, probably to the
> smoking porch!  Ha!  She really looked good - slim and stylish and healthy
> but that was the last we saw of her. After meeting Graham, we headed into
> the Foundation Room and hung out at the bar a bit with uber-photographer
> Henry Diltz who was as fun and nice as ever.  I made Darice show him the
> blow-ups of Mick Jagger and Brian Jones that she took with her Brownie
> camera in San Diego in 1964 - lol - he got a kick out of them.  Mr. Klein
> was sitting on the other side of us, but was with someone and we didn't
> interrupt him ;-)  Met some other interesting people and Darice will have
> more to tell.  It was really, really fun for these old girls ;-)
> Kakki

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