Kakki writes:

<< She really looked good - slim and stylish and healthy >>

And Darice said:

<< I turned to see joni's head "checking in" at the Foundation door. She 
looked happy, serene and beautiful. >> 

Gee, Darice and Kakki . . . I guess some people just lead more fabulous lives 
than others! 

It's nice to know you both had such a wonderful night and that Joni was slim, 
stylish, beautiful, happy and serene -- God love her. 

And how nice that Graham mentioned her so many times during his set. 

Stories like this leave me chicken scratching for my own brushes with 
greatness, but all I have is that tired old Ethel Merman record-signing story 
which I posted about two years ago. Maybe I should join the EMDL and be 
fabulous there! 

I LOVE LA and I am jealous that you had such a memorable night, although I am 
truly happy for you both. 

Thanks for your stories. 



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