Today's Toronto Star has an article on Yorkville, now
a high-priced trendy area, but in the 60s a hippy
haven full of coffee houses and clubs and our own Joan
played there at the time.

The article features a black and white photo of Joni
that may appear elsewhere in the archives for all I
know, but whether it does or it doesn't, you can see
it here at:

The full article, should you care to read it, doesn't
have much JC, except for a brief mention in the
following paragraph:

"The flower children and bohemians could not withstand
the wave of change as cheap rents disappeared and
there was increasing pressure on the city to clean up
what was becoming pricey and coveted commercial space.
A story published in The Star in 1965 said the
unthinkable was occurring in the bohemian haven.
Yorkville was becoming squaresville as hip coffee
houses, where folk singers such as Joni Mitchell and
Gordon Lightfoot cut their teeth, were being replaced
by posh nightspots for well-heeled teenagers. The
Riverboat, one of the most famous of the coffee
houses, was located at 134 Yorkville Ave., part of the
row to be destroyed."

Here's a link to the full article if you're intested:


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