Fresh back from the record store I purchased 2 CD's
DK puts ACOY no.11 on her Live in Paris CD
Coughing in the audience at the begining of the song sets the lone pianist in 
a Indigo bar in Paris.She toys with this song over its 6:50 minutes
at 3.47 she even imitates joni singing "i can drink a case of you darling" in 
a Canadian plains dialect. Professor Higgins would be "AHHHHOO" with the 
pronuncing of some of the words during the song. Next song on the CD is Billy 
Joel's '"Just the way you are" and it features the fine tenor sax of Michael 
Brecker. The second CD I picked up was "Nearness of You" by Mr Brecker backed 
up by the Pat Methany,Herbie Hancock ,Charlie Haden Jack DeJohnette and James 
Taylor singing Don't let me be Lonely Tonight and a very sweet "The Nearness 
of You" does make you want to be dancing with Audrey Hepbun.
With such stars, the notes reign down from the night sky in waves of 
shimmering bliss.
Good night 
of I would like to read a review of DK's cover from others including our 
Kover King
Brian Symes

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