
Your response said much of what I wanted to. And, I
have to agree that I read some antagonism into your
post, Kasey, whether you meant it or not.

I'd be interested to hear from those who support a war
against Iraq. I have a few specific questions:
- What specifically is the rationale for the U.S.
making the first strike?
- What is the overriding reason for war now? (Why war?
Why now?) (The weapons didn't appear last week. They've
been there for years.)
- If you feel there is danger of Saddam Hussein using
weapons of mass destruction, do you think the danger is
less likely under a different regime?

I personally find the push for war ludicrous. The fact
that so many are willing to listen to a president who
reduces foreign policy to personal vendetta says
something about where we are right now. Yes, the U.S.
and the world were terribly wronged on September 11.
But I hope we are a nation of laws, and those laws
preclude action such as that which is being proposed in

I hope for peace and eventual understanding.
lots of love

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