Darice writes:

<< Since I never registered with the Birthday Fairy, I will say Happy 
Birthday to
myself today. >>

Happy birthday, Darice! You must still be thrilled from your trip to the LA 
house of Blues and the Joni sighting. 

As far as birthday announcements go, it is unclear whether the Birthday Fairy 
is still on the job. I think I half remember a post in which he resigned. 
Jimmy, the Deputy BF, does not want the job, and I, the Birthday Gnome (just 
a temp!), am not interested in the job because the pay sucks! 

Catherine McCay suggest that we all announce our own birthdays, as you have 
done, Darice. Unless someone flies forward to fill Wally's gossamer wings, I 
think we should make our own announcements -- or avoid the subject all 
together! -- depending upon how we feel when our birthdays roll around. (I am 
not looking forward to my next one, but the alternative -- death -- is even 
more unacceptable!) 

Have a great day,


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