Hey it ain't over till the fat lady sings kids and I ain't singing yet!  

First of all, to whom it may concern.... I caught that too.  Nice to know this little 
argument was
planned just for entertainment - how mature.

And now Bree wrote:  
This nation is prepared to present its case against the Soviet threat to peace, and 
our own
proposals for a peaceful world, at any time and in any forum - in the Organization of 
States, in the United Nations, or in any other meeting that could be useful - "WITHOUT 
OUR FREEDOM OF ACTION"  John Kennedy Cuban Missie Crsis .... 1962.

Yes and how long exactly did that war last?  Oh now I remember - there wasn't one!  
And that was a
situation that covered a distance of 90 miles from us to them, a little bit more 
intense - huh?

Bree wrote: Reading the newspaper today I see where this speech will give us some cold 
hard facts.

Really, he's gonna tell us everything - honest?  Come come now Bree, if you think they 
are opening
up a top secret dossier and telling you  everything, then YOU are the dreamer!  Yes 
security reports to be unveiled by THIS administration.  Surely you jest!  And that 
goes for any
administration hon.  They will give you the facts they need to for their agenda.

Bree writes:
Nor do I believe it is for oil - ego - or because of the shaking economy ... for 
purposes of
boosting the DOW a little.  No I think there is probably a very CLEAR AND PRESENT 

Bree ... I am trying to be serious and stern here, so please stop making me laugh.  
While I don't
think Iraq should be absolved of any wrong doing, they are not the next piece of the 
puzzle in the
war on terrorism.   And it has always been about the oil and domination.  Except it 
may no longer
be so much about the economy.  Since I have roots in the market I feel I can speak 
knowledgeable here.  As we saw with Afghanistan, that action did not really send the 
market up,
it's just not as defining as it once was, war that is, to the market.  BUt this MAY be 
part of
Bush's job creation plan!

Bree Said:
I think Bush is an honorable man ... you may not like his politics but I have no 
doubts about his
truthfulness. his veracity I do not question.

And where are your facts on this... your proof?  Did you date the guy in college? What 
basis is
there for this revelation?  Just cuz!?  What inside information do you have to defend 
character?  And how naive are you?  It may be, - I just don't know how you can make 
that blanket
statement.  It's the question I get whenever I give an opinion so I thought turnabout 
might be
fair play.

Kasey says or Bree:  The 'slings and arrows' started with Susan and Vince.  I 
responded in kind.  

Pardon me while I rewind.  No seems my initial post was a simple 'thank you' to 
Claudia for
posting the info, minus the slings and arrows.  But then you insluted and made a 
mockery of an
innocent statement that Claud made and I seconded, concerning the way we had all come 
together at
fest and something silly about peace, love and understanding, throw in some tolerance 
for good

I think Vince chimed in around then as well.  While I disagreed with your opinion, 
this was really
what set me off because I feel you insulted and chided my/our family here.

Now I am singing.  I am so tired of the confronation, and far be it from innocent lil 
old me to
back off.

Good Night All or Good Mornig now!
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