someone wrote:

>  The 'slings and arrows' started with Susan, and Vince.

On behalf of Susan, who I have never known to initiate anything
negative, not in the years she has been a member here, and on behalf of
myself, this statement is bullshit.

I may make my point with certain amounts of passion but I try very hard
to refrain from anything that is personal, desiring neither slings nor
arrows.  In fact, through the years. I have made it a habit to change
"[name} said" to "someone said" just to avoid things being personal.  I
am sure that sometimes I say things unintentionally that someone else
may be hurt be - and that happens to me, too - but if I want to fire a
sling or an arrow or be personal, believe me, it will be utterly
clear.   But I do not desire that at all here, not in the JMDL family.

Note that I said that the statement was bullshit and did not comment on
who - whoever it may be - said it.  Personal comments, calling people
out by name, is simply not my style.

Today a child was shot in the DC area.

This is the 6th or 7th sniper death in the last, what, 4 days?

Today is the anniversary of the commencement of the military actions
against Afghanistan.

The UN has been working on inspections in Iraq and we have a mad rush to
violence rather than delay military might and see what happens with
inspections first.

The violence floating around is way, way too much.

Whatever we talk about, the violence of our language, the accusations,
the slings and arrows, needs to cease.

Why do we talk about artists and not listen to what they say?

NPIMH: Nash's Military Madness

In an upstairs room in Blackpool, by the side of the northern sea
The army had my father, and my mother was having me
Military madness was killing my country
Solitary sadness comes over me

And after the school was over, and I moved to the other side
I found another country, but I never lost my pride
Military madness was killing the country
Solitary sadness creeps over me

And after the wars are over, and the body count is finally filed
I hope that man discovers, what's driving the people wild
Military madness is killing the country
So much sadness between you and me

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