<<What is he doing that Joni's not doing?  Why is it working for him?>>

Just some thoughts:

1. He's writing new songs. They may not be very different from the style
he's written in his whole career, but he is introducing new product into
the market.

2. He tours, and in his shows he deliberately includes "old favorites" that
people want to hear. On her last tour, I'm sure there were many people who
left disappointed because Joni was not playing their favorite oldies. Of
course, that's not what she's about and I'm not saying she should do that.
I'm just saying that there ARE consequences to not "playing the game".

3. He doesn't come off as bitter as Joni does in interviews, and he doesn't
constantly badmouth the business that's given him a very comfortable life.
Again, I'm not saying that Joni should mimic this behavior, just that there
are consequences to her promotional style.


NP: Damien Jurado & Rose Thomas, "Wages Of Sin"

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