Still an analogue mind in a digital world, I made a cassette tape (egad!) of 
the songs which will appear on "A Travelogue" in the order given on  I was attempting to discern if there was a thread of 
continuity or a song cycle arc present by virtue of the lyrical content.  I 
couldn't find one, but as in the case of all poetry, what speaks to me (or 
doesn't) may not (or, may) to another.  If this is in fact the order of the 
songs as they will appear, some of the choices seem uncharacteristically 
obvious ("Refuge Of The Roads" to "Hejira") while others might be considered 
incongruous ("Otis and Marlena" to "Amelia").

The only conclusion I can derive from this (perhaps pointless) exercise is 
that the orchestral arrangements of some of these songs are likely to be 
MARKEDLY DIFFERENT from the versions previously recorded, which would 
mitigate seeming conflicts of pace and content based on this program of 
existing versions.  I think this collection is going to be mind expansive in 
terms of how listeners can hear a song they've known for years for the first 
time.  Like Joni, Vince and Larry did with "Both Sides Now", both the 
arrangements and vocal readings for these songs will likely place them in a 
whole new perspective while referencing the ones of old.  Her inclusion of 
"Love" and "Slouching Toward Bethlehem" are grand gestures in illustrating 
her interpretive talents.

I can't wait.


PS:  I'm sure everyone will have an opinion on the songs included in the 
collection, some of which we've already read.  OK, here's MY only question: 
"Otis and Marlena?"  Other than a new arrangement blowing my mind and all my 
preconceptions away, I would have traded any of ten other songs to take its 
place here.  While I acknowledge Joni's topical "while Muslims hold up 
Washington" as having presaged the Iran hostage crisis even, I hope she 
didn't include the song here to remind us of that fact.  Miss Cleo, she 

"Fiction of the this is this and that is that, aaah!" -- JM

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