<<And here I thought our Mags was just another pretty face in a pair of Doc
Martens...the post from a couple of days ago, regarding Joni's line in
'River' - "I made my baby cry, I made my baby say goodbye'...she supported
an allusion to Joni's usage of baby as potentially referencing her
surrendering of her own for adoption. In the past when this same statement
has been made, I've been quick to dismiss it, in context of the song
itself. And indeed, if that's ALL that you look at, that probably holds
true. After all, Joni is clearly referencing a LOVER that's lost, not a


well my bro, you made this baby cry , and that's okay! Thanks so much for your 
eloquent, thought provoking post. I am touched that you 'get it', that you see between 
Joni's lines and into her heart. Surely she's reaching out and trying to deal with 
that pain. Ive said this before and I will say it again, there is no way that this 
experience is something you ever "get over"  as we see little green rising in so many 
of Joni's lyrics and subject matter. 

<<BUT...when I look at the line in the context of Blue as an album, as a
coherent project, and when I realize that Ms. Gross has had her own "Little
Green" experience and probably has a 'sixth sense' about this kind of
thing, I was drawn to re-examine and validate my opinion about the line and
look at it again. >>>

and sometimes there'll be sorrow.That line says it all and is the common thread 
throughout much of her career. And she tell us Don't Interrupt the Sorrow, because it 
needs to have a voice.

 I have always loved Joni's use of the word sorrow which, to me, begins to describe 
the depth of her loss; if a word could ever do it, this one does. Beyond sad. Sorrow. 
Just say that word to yourself and feel that heavy impression on your heart. Ouch. 



<<In "My Old Man", as in River, Joni's singing about a love relationship, but
interjects a potentially subliminal thought:>>


very true Bob. Like a parallel, the experience is always there, underlying currents, 
informing every single day of your life for the rest of your days. 

<<And wishes her pretty baby could stay. Additionally, Chelsea doesn't 
really have any cross-references to the object of her affection being 
a lover or a guy, and the images in the song (rainbows, butterscotch, 
jewel-light, Christmas bells, crimson crystal beads, etc.) suggest a 
child-like setting. Like "Morning Morgantown", Chelsea Morning can 
easily be construed as being a fantasy about her ideal morning spent 
just waking up and greeting the day with her own flesh & blood child. 
(And yes, I am aware that CM & MM are not on Blue...but like Little 
Green, they were composed during the same period of her career, even 
if they are spread out over three albums). >>>


nice observations Bob! 

<<<But back to the songs on Blue...we find yet another 'baby' referenced 
in "This Flight Tonight": >>>

<<<"Can't numb you out 
Can't drum you out of my mind 
They're playing Goodbye baby, Baby Goodbye" >>

again, making reference to the deep impact the experience has/had on Joni. she wants 
to numb it out and cant. no way. 

"Now I can't talk to you baby 
I get so weak" 

<<And while it could be argued (and indeed I would) that, as in River, 
Joni is textually singing about a relationship with a 
lover/significant other, isn't it an interesting choice of songs she 
hears on the headphones?...another reference to saying goodbye to a 
baby. Perhaps by now it would be safe to say that her processing her 
parental loss (as well as the romantic one) is clear subtext on Blue. 
Perhaps this is why she reportedly had many emotionally purging 
moments during the making of this album. These sessions were, from 
what I've read, mostly closed. >>

many of us have picked up on the deep pain and emotionality which exists at many 
levels in this album. Your consciousness raising is excellent here Bob. I agree 
completely with your analysis.

<<And there are plenty of other references that Joni makes to the word 
"baby" throughout her work...as it has been stated that Myrtle has 
been a lyrical influence, I would say that her decision/regret/sorrow 
surrounding her 'Little Green' experience has been an even greater 
one. A good question to consider: are these lyrical references 
intentional or subliminal? >>

a bit of both, I'd say. Cant drum it out of my mind. Want to numb it out...Try as I 
might...that kind of thing, cant do it.. Again, and I cant say this enough...the 
experience of losing her little green would have impacted her and continues to do so. 
Yea , despite the reunion, there is still that place where her raw voice lives. 

<<Thanks Mags for planting a Little Green seed and allowing me to 
expand my grasp on Joni Mitchell just a bit. Tell my bro to give you 
a big hug from me! :~) >>

thanks so much for your love and kindness too Bob.

I hope that Joni might know some day that her songs played an integral part in my own 
survival during that time. I cannot believe the things I write to this list, and it's 
really for the purpose of helping others to understand this most profound experience 
in Joni's life. It isnt over for her, no way. I lay my life experience down on that 


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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