I don't believe for a minute that any human being has ever been able to sing a span of seven octaves (Yma Sumac was credited with four, and considered a bit freakish). I know a piano has a range of over seven, but most people cannot really distinguish pitches at either the lowest or highest end.
With classical singers the challenge is control over the entire range; the issue of highest and lowest notes is less important than evenness throughout. Therefore the workable range of a fine classical singer is likely to be less than that of, say, Mariah Carey or Cleo Laine, who was famous for her high notes.
I remember an article from the 1970s comparing the ranges of Marilyn Horne, Joni Mitchell, and Cleo Laine: Horne's was the smallest, Joni's went to a high F above high C (I've never heard her go anywhere near that high, not that it matters) and Dame Cleo's even higher (imho and all that, Cleo Laine was a better singer before those showy high notes started to dominate her work).

Just a few thoughts!

Cheers to all,

Kate Bush can sing a span of seven octaves????????????????? Is that physiologically possible? Does this imply that classical singer have a wider range than seven?

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