>Hi All

Not sure if this will work but.....I've tried to attach two 
photgraphs from last Saturdays McJonifest. I hope this works Laurent.

As Laurent says, it was really great and it made me reflect upon what 
the JMDL is about (that coupled with some sour notes recently) 
SO...is it a discussion list ABOUT Joni Mitchell or is it a list FOR 
those who like Joni Mitchell as part of their lives. I think this 
divide is where most misunderstandings arise.

For my part, we only mentioned Joni for a short while last week at 
the McJonifest....so that gives you some idea where Im coming from. 
Two of the people involeved (my partner at Mr Singhs India...an 
Indian restaurant where the wiaters wear kilts....how kitsch can u 
get)  on the Thursday and Laurent's partner on the Saturday weren't 
even into Joni that much)

I think this list is brilliant


PS The Steve Klink episode was a hoot

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