Brenda wrote:

I'm surprised that you haven't heard about it because I remember seeing press 
coverage highlighting support from the Congressional Black Caucus and the 
National Black Chamber of Commerce among others.

Well, Im flattered if anyone thinks otherwise, but I probably do miss SOME press 
coverage!  There are those pesky and demanding obligations called Working.  
Eating.  Occasionally, even Exercising, although probably not as much as my doctor 
would like!  And one thing I dont do in my so-called leisure time is watch West 

Seriously, I do my level best to stay informed, but I dont claim to be perfect, and 
frankly, I missed that one.  Thanks for the information.  It makes sense, and was 
quite informative.

You also wrote:

If anyone thought that, all they had to do was read what the estate tax is.  
After all it's 
not like this was a ballot measure that was going to be decided by voters and 
was some campaign to deceive people so they would vote a particular way.

RE:  your first sentence:  that was my point, too.  I specifically stated that people 
have the ultimate responsibility to stay informed.  It was also my point though that, 
unfortunately (see example directly above) many people do not or will not, for one 
reason or another.  I believe that both parties have taken advantage of that fact.  
And, while voters werent directly deciding the fate of the estate tax by referendum, 
they were electing officials who would be doing soand many other things besides.

Mary P.,
Signing off for the day, and going off toahemExercise.  ;-)

P.S.  Even for small business owners, it's still only a "death tax" if you DIE WITH AN 
*ESTATE*!  Couldn't resist.

Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky.  SIGH.

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