Apologies for interrupting the discussion of the iniquities of the US tax 
system; normal programmes will be resumed shortly.  I just had to put a word 
in for this brilliant, extraordinary film, which opened in London on Friday.  
Samantha Morton's performance will secure another Oscar nomination, if there 
is any justice.  She's like an alien gone native.  The film looks like a 
dream, exquisitely framed and composed, but without any Peter Greenaway-esque 
attention seeking.  

Fabulous soundtrack too, highlights including a canter through a supermarket 
to the strains of Some Velvet Morning, and some real gallows humour in a 
grisly scene which is accompanied by the Velvet Underground's jaunty I'm 
Sticking With You.

If I can persuade one person to see this film who wouldn't otherwise have 
seen it, I feel I will have added just a little to the sum of human happiness 

For background about the story and the making of the film, there's a terrific 
feature in The Guardian, the link for which is below.,6737,804865,00.html

OK, my work here is done...

Azeem in London

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