This is a great thread. These are all 'goosebump' songs for me. (The best

- Amelia - Joni - especially the version on SAL, morphing through Pat's solo
into Hejira

_ If You See Her Say Hello - BD - One of the most seering vocal performances
he's ever done

- Drive All Night - Bruce - On 'The River'.  Epitomizes a dark night of the

- God Only Knows - Beach Boys - Nuff said

- Heroes - Bowie - The version on the Bridge School Concert CD

- Powderfinger; Helpless; Country Girl; Cortez the Killer - Neil Young

- Landslide - Fleetwood Mac - Version on the live 'The Dance' CD

- The Lonely 1 - Wilco - Tweedy has a great knack to go straight to the
heart sometimes

- Unfaithful Servant; It Makes No Difference - The Band - So moving

- Sweet Old World; Which Will - Lucinda Williams - Nick Drake wrote 'Which
Will' -- just lovely

- Why - Annie Lennox - spookily intense

- Moonlight Mile - Rolling Stones - also spookily intense in a drugged-out

Enough for now. This is fun.


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