read in your own scathingly brilliant style...

Two democrat "get out the vote" operatives (let's call them Bill and Terry) are hard at work in the wee hours at the cemetary. Bill says "you go over there and check out those headstones and I'll get some names off of these over here." Some time later Terry calls back "Hey, this last one's a little hard to make out." Bill replies "Well, brush the dust off of it and give it another try." Minutes later Terry returns only to say he still can't decipher the name. "here take my flashlight and try again--it's a little brighter than yours," says Bill. Again Terry returns with the news that he just can't read that last name. Bill, a little angry now lays down the law. "Look, YOU GET BACK OVER THERE AND YOU GET THAT NAME!" THAT GUY HAS AS MUCH RIGHT TO VOTE AS ANYONE ELSE IN THIS CEMETARY!!"



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