> I have to agree with Bob though, about her weathered voice. I miss the 
> vitality in it which used to make her sustain long notes and pretty 
> vibrations.     

I miss that as well.  It kind of makes for a bittersweet listening. Adds a
kind of richness to the songs, knowing how they sounded back when they were
fresh and hearing her sing them now...kind of sad and beautiful feeling
mixed together, like when the elves are resigned to leaving Rivendell and
Lothlorien and returning to the havens. not diminished in their beauty but
weary and tired knowing that an age is coming to an end.

It makes me think of one of my favorite songs of all time, "Losing It" by
Rush, especially the last stanza...


NP: Beck-Sea Change

PS: THIS JUST IN!  Hooked up with an amazing singer from a nationally known
group who will be singing on one or two tracks on Parsonage Lane...can't
divulge any details at this time but am very excited!

Losing It (Lee/Lifeson/Peart)

The dancer slows her frantic pace
In pain and desperation,
Her aching limbs and downcast face
Aglow with perspiration

Stiff as wire, her lungs on fire,
With just the briefest pause 
The flooding through her memory,
The echoes of old applause.

She limps across the floor
And closes her bedroom door...

The writer stare with glassy eyes
Defies the empty page
His beard is white, his face is lined

And streaked with tears of rage.

Thirty years ago, how the words would flow
With passion and precision,
But now his mind is dark and dulled
By sickness and indecision

And he stares out the kitchen door
Where the sun will rise no more...

Some are born to move the world
To live their fantasies
But most of us just dream about
The things we'd like to be
Sadder still to watch it die
Than never to have known it
For you, the blind who once could see
The bell tolls for thee...

--- Victor Johnson
"Roses wait for the springtime,
They sleep beneath the ground.
They hear March winds a callin'
For the sun to come around."vlj

Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

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