> aaahhhhhhh Mark, it's all about the grooooooove in that song, it makes me
> dance everytime, don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating lechery and
> substance abse by any means, it's just that when I hear that opening riff
> joy comes over me :))
> Erica in NH

I knew somebody had listed that song as one of their favorites.  I wasn't
slamming you or your taste, Erica.  I understand about the grooooove in some
songs.  I was just having some fun taking potshots at some songs (and
artists) I don't care for.  I have never really 'gotten' Steely Dan.  And
besides, Bob Muller would be disappointed if I didn't get on here & slag
Steely Dan every once in awhile.

Mark E in Seattle

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