> I voted for some Repubs and some Dems...I tried to vote for the person and
> not the party, I don't think this generalization stuff does anybody any

This has been expressed by many people on the list and seems to be the
operating principle in politics these days, but I don't agree with it. I
think the generalization stuff is why people are not involved. How can
anyone decide on anything if it's all fuzzy? Then people just vote for
whoever seems likable, or whoever gives the simplest and most appealing
message, whether it's truthful or not, and not many people bother
looking deeper.

There are dems., that do express some of my ideology.  I think
you have to look deeper than a party to vote.

If there's no difference in the underlying philosophy of each party, why
do you think there ARE separate parties?

Well for me, you have to have something to pin a tail to:)

For me, it comes down to this: I don't agree with the basic philosophy
of the Republican party, which is that "rights inhere in the
individual". I think the responsibility to the community is much more
important, and so does the Democratic Party. And again, it never plays
out so neatly, or ideally, but those are the starting points.

This I agree with, it is the BASIC philosophy of the
party that draws my support. However, it is the individual
candidates views that gets my vote.

Debra SheaGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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