I guess we all screwed up when we didn't give Joni what she really needs for 
her birthday: an anger management course. 

Although I am not a huge fan of Madonna, I do think she is a great example of 
someone who has absolutely made the most of what little talent she has, in 
addition to being a very smart businesswoman and a PR genius. (And a Joni 
fan, for chrissakes.)

What's more, I have great respect for David Letterman. He always makes me 
laugh and is just about the only reason I turn on my TV. (And incidentally, I 
think he has truly seemed awestruck whenever Joni has appeared on his show, 
which will probably never happen again after this latest bitter outburst.) 

If Joni really wants to watch musicians being interviewed, there are other 
shows on the tube -- such as the stuff you find on VH1 or MTV -- that cater 
to that. If musicians and singers generally made interesting interview 
subjects, late night TV would have picked up on that years ago and they 
wouldn't all be following the same format of putting musical acts at the end 
of their shows. Call me crazy, but I think musical acts are at their most 
entertaining when they're making music. 

Joni should get over being "ashamed to be in the music business" and start 
thinking about the hurtful things she says about people who admire her. God, 
I can only imagine what she would think of someone who takes the time to 
respond to one of her outbursts by posting to this list.

    -- Bob

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