>  When I was in a steady relationship
> I made it MY priority and responsability to make sure my girlfriend took her
> daily medication.

no matter how you desire to control, it is her responsibilty alone regarding
what goes into her body.

> Whenever I heard the words "I forgot!" the latex party hat
> would go back on for at least a week.


imo the latex party hat should always be on regardless. But that would be
inconvenient for you, yes? far better to have your partner take the risks with
her body. How galant of you.

> As for those men who rape and molest women, castration to all of them!

oh yes, that will put a stop to it. It is just about sex after all.....

> To those who rape and molest children, castration and then put them in one
> of those prisons where the inmates have no tolerance for child molestors.

And children would suffer more because they will report even less than they do
already if they thought their abuser would be killed. they feel enough guilt and
hsamew without this burden being put on them.

> If
> he gets raped and killed by a 300lbs gay black man with a 13incher it serve
> him right!

why do gay and black and fat figure so highly in your horrid factor?

you agian:

With a solution like that, who needs to discuss capital

Capital punishment, I could see half of you out there really blowing a
gasket over this topic.

Why blow a gasket? the world is full of people with this opinion that brings
their own humanity down to the level of these perps.

I am as appalled by the sentiment you have expressed as I am by the behaviour of
the people you hate to the point of allowing your own humanity to be diminished.

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