I have read your post with interest and amusement.  You
speak of "shadow governments", "billionaire boys club", and
"puppets".  You've listed sites (which I have gone to) to back
up your theories. However, I find no substance to your dark
hypotheses. They are merely an opinion on world events.  I'll
give you credit for wordy (however empty) manifestos, but if
I were to believe what you say I'd have to make a huge leap.
I would have to believe that all persons in government are corrupt.
That no one elected to public office ran because they wanted to make
a difference.  As you are aware we are a government of checks, and
balances, so all the House, Senate, Executive, and Judicial branches are
corrupt.  Now I farther must believe that voting means nothing, that this
billionaires boys club has rendered voting impotent. Big stretch for me to
make.  Now you say that only those that know the 'truth' can rise above
this.  The truth, according to you would be The Christ.  Well that just about
closes the door on any Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Homosexual, and any
other group that views the truth a bit different.  I am a firm believer in
However God is what I call the creator, some call him/her other names, like
Mohammad, Krishna, or Buddha.  I too believe Christ to be a messiah.  Messiah
meaning teacher.  As you are interested in philosophy you know that Socrates
also willingly died for what he believed, I'm sure you've heard of the hemlock
society.  So though I find your writings interesting, I find it is only an
opinion, not
based in fact but interpretation.
Kakki, you are giving factual information to someone who is arguing opinion,
theory.  It won't work, but great effort.
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