Okay, as usual after a weekend, I'm running behind the times ...

> 4.)  Who remembers the switch to Smoe?

I do, I do!  But for the life of me I can't remember what the old 
address was.  Les???

> 3.)  Who remembers buying either M'shell Ndegocello... or whatever,
> Lauryn Hill, or Lucinda Williams because of the raves on the list?

I bought Lauryn Hill because of the list.  I think I've listened to it 
once.  BUT -- after having heard and met Lucinda 10 years before (in a 
San Antonio lesbian bar where I worked; Lucinda was doing the owner a 
favor by performing), I did return to her music because of Sherrie 
Good's raving about "Car Wheels On A Gravel Road."  Took me awhile to 
warm up to it, but it soon became (and remains) a favorite.

I also learned about Jonatha Brooke because of the list!  I've since 
seen her in concert 4 times.

> 2.)  Who remembers the cookbook idea?

I do!  I submitted "Down by the Sea(coast) Salad," and a salad dressing 



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