...coming out of the cobwebs for a quick thought...

Regarding Travelogue: while my personal taste would have appreciated Joni
doing these songs with a more jazzy arrangement, (I'm picturing Joni playing
PIANO with the same musicians Diana Krall had for Live In Paris...wow...)the
thing that immediately jumped out at me (again and again and again), is the
genius of the SONGWRITING.

I loved Joni's voice in the past, and I love it now with it's 55 year old
character.  I loved Joni's guitar and piano and dulcimer playing in the
past, but truthfully, many people sing or play as well as she does.

For my money, very few (maybe no one) can equal her ideas in lyric and
songwriting. That's where her genius lies and that's what keeps me coming
back. Maybe that's why some people are disappointed in Travelogue, there's
no fresh material.  But I get a new rush from hearing these songs in a new

I'm hearing some of the same songs that I've heard for 20 years...and I'm
awed all over again.

...back to the corner, me...


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