Well, I flip through RS for the pictures when I am bored. They always seem to disregard Joni - I frankly know she is way over their heads - Van Gogh again; there is alot of corporate bullshit going on-sort of like pharmaceutical companies wining and dining doctors. I found the review to be bizarre - as he called the album bizarre. From what I remember they disliked Turbulent Indigo, BSN and so on. Rolling Stone is a bad magazine, a corporate Rag. A sad excuse for a guide to music and arts. Look at the cover with Christina A. That girl will be travel - drained, she is the definition of slut music. I loved the comment Joni made... What do you want me to do show my tits and get a choreographer. Now that made me smile and laugh hard. The fact is "Joni is right " about all of this slamming, damn it. Madonna, as much as I follow her and respect her in some arena, she is a capitalist pig and a really bad actress. Frightening. Prostitution. Still I love to dance and party, so there you go. There will be some gushy, amazing reviews of Travelogue, Rest assured. Joni will smell the roses. I hope she keeps on slamming and ranting, singing and painting for us and her. Remember - She is a sage. Rantingly a devotee, Stephen