First of all never trust Rolling Stone they are a crappy crappy rag of a
mag, and secondly please pardon my french but the magazine that promptly
features the two whoring bimbos, Christina and Britney, as musical acts
no less, doesn't know shit!!

>From: "Blair Fraipont" >Reply-To: "Blair Fraipont" >To:
Recordings: Joni Mitchell, Travelogue, 2 Stars >Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002
09:07:19 -0500 > > I usually trust Rolling Stone, but every now and then,
>they'll get someone totally fresh out of college to write reviews. >You
can bet if David Wild or David Fricke would give it at least >31/2 stars
or more. I can trust them, becuase they have such a >consumate history of
reviewing records and the like. Joni getting 2 >stars makes me think of
Tori AMos, who back in 1996 released, Boys >for Pele. Well, the Rolling
Stone review said something very similar >to what they said about Joni, >
Since Tori Amos plays piano they asserted that unlike Jerry Lee >Lewis,
who plays songs like "Great Balls of Fire" with gusto and >ferver, that
Tori is lacking in that category and those >aforementioned qualities
should be added to her work. Well, First of >all, that was just sexist,
second, Tori is never and was never, a >'rock n' roller' more of a
spiritual muse and thirdly, What the fuck >does Jerry Lee Lewis have to
do with anything relevant today, aside >from sodomy? > Same with Joni,
she really isn't a 'rock n' roller' and never >would strive to make a
'rock orchestration record' becuase it is not >her style.. Poo POO. >
Blair :) >I'll wear it proudly-Elvis Costello > > > > > > >>It seems
Rolling Stone does not feel that the strings on Travelogue >>are up >>to
the standards of "great orchestral rock." Glad that the reviewer >>is
>>shielding RS's readers from orchestral recordings that are not
>>sophisticated >>enough for them! >> >>Cherokee Louise lives under a
tunnel? >> >>And so the slamming begins........ >> >> >>
>> >
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