These are some great pictures.  I really enjoyed looking
at them.  By the way you do resemble Harry Potter, though
at first glance I thought of Sir Elton John:)

Mine are at:

Most of them are far bigger than they will be when they're edited to tiny
web page portraits.  See them as the artist (me!) intended.  See Bryan,
Giselle, Christina, Sue Mac, & Patti in their natural habitats!  To see
SugarPants in their full-sized glory, click on the word "Full"!  See this
year's focal point- a composite of Sherelle Smith!  See the dizzying
confusion lurking just below the surface of the billiard room door (Page 7,
#37)!  See the lesbian cottage(Page 7, #38)!

Thanks to Chris Marshall, bassist extraordianare, for the interface and the
space.  See them all, before they're edited into  tiny retirement as
particles on a web page.  There are lots of photos of JoniFest 2002 from
others too.  Amaze your friends.  Be the first on your block to collect 'em

I swear, after 05, I'm outta here.  No, really.  I mean it this time.Get more
from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

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