Hey all,

Long time no post, been busy lurking in the background

Some of you who were at Jonifest 2002 know that I'm
in a band back here in the UK.  It consists of myself 
(bass), Martin Giles (accomplished guitarist and all round
musician, also UK JMDL) and an exquisitely talented
lyricist, Sarah Stringer.  Many of the UK JMDL folk, and
a few of the US ones have already experienced Sarah's lyrics 
and wonderful voice.

I'm extremely happy to report that this last Monday 
and Tuesday were spent profitably in a top flight 
London recording studio, recording 11 tracks for a
forthcoming album, which we suspect will be titled
"The Thrill Of Maintaining Momentum". 

There are some final finishing touches to come: guitar 
overdubs, some drums, harmonies, and so on, but the bulk 
of the material is recorded (digitally too: this'll be
a DDD CD I think).

I have to say that my first time in the studio was at
the same time very satisfying and incredibly stressful!
Day one was a 12 hour stint, day 2 coming in at 6 hours,
but I'd never have guessed at how draining the whole
thing would be.  

That said, it's so damn exciting to see this stuff 
heading for a properly recorded, mixed and mastered
CD.  Just the raw mix in the studio sounds amazing, 
so the CD itself should be soemthing else.  I can't

For those that are interested, there's a website
coming soon at www.stryngs.com (pronounced "Strings", 
but someone else already has that.)  In the next few 
days, I'll get a mailing list sign up sorted out on the 

I'll stop short of self-aggrandisement, but I'll say 
this: I think you'll all quite like it :)



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