Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 14:16:10 -0800
From: "jeff t."

Hi Franklin

Jeff wrote> Thanks for the tip on LA Cowboy. I reread your post of Friday, November 8th and sure enough, the road to LA is clearly mapped out.
Now I see you are one of only five people given "Special Thanks" on LA's
homepage. You must have done something truly special to warrant this honor.
Please, withhold for just a moment your modesty and share this accolade
with us. Thank you.

Franklin> Hey Jeff, kudos for your investigative savvy. Even I DIDN'T know I was listed on that "special thanks" section. (LOL) When I took your cue and "investigated" myself, I did note that Brooke Kreiger, one of the finest "lead god" guitar players in the upper midwest was "thanked" just above me. Note, I was the last "thanks". I know Brooke through attendance at numerous concerts he performs throughout the area. One night I asked him if he had heard of L.A. Cowboy. Feeling sympathetic to his negative reply, I went out to my car and gave him one of my treasured (signed, no less) CDs to review. End of story. Or so I thought.

Upon further inquiry (I e-mailed the contact button at I discovered my hitherto unbeknownst "honor", buried in the back and immediately sent an inquiry (via their "contact" button as to WHY?)

Sue Stark, Label manager responded when queried> "We know you are one of L.A. Cowboy's biggest supporters in Minnesota. Well, one of a few hundred "biggest" anyway ;). We have received numerous *e*s of appreciation and affection regarding L.A.'s works and how they have touched hearts, lives, relationships, not a few mentioning your name as recommendee. But you were not given "honorable" mention as a result of your kind, consistent "cheer leading" regarding the music of Mr. Obscure Recluse himself. Actually, Brooke Kreiger the guitar player, who is apparently a friend of yours who you gave a CD to or some such thing, began to correspond with the Cowboy through L.A.'s only site at the time - mp3. He wanted to "cover" several of his songs (heavy metal style! Why not? cool!). It turns out that he is also a web site builder. As they traded messages, he inquired as to why L.A. didn't have an "official" site. Upon hearing of our web ignorance,combined with financial restraints, he insisted, and I mean insisted, on constructing the "official" web site - for free. Due to the fact that we would have never had contact with him, or acquired this lovely site if it hadn't been for your sharing spirit, we added your name as an afterthought at the bottom of the "special thanks". Thought he would have told you... Sorry for the surprise and if you do not want it there, we will have it removed. You asked who Kate and John are. They are L.A.'s wonderful, talented teenagers. Both play and sing like professional angels! We are truly grateful for your serendipitous contribution to our cause - creating often seemingly miraculous avenues on a low-budget/no-budget for exposing magical music in a dark, polluted industry. (P.S.) We also appreciate your personal preferences in music, as proven by the multiple orders we have received, bearing your name. :) ;) You and those like you prove that this is a small world, and often smaller proves better. Again, thank you for your continuing support. Sue Stark (label manager - Reconcile Records)"

Wow, Jeff. How's that for an unexpected and unwarranted "honor"??? I'm suddenly "famous" lol Thanks for the tip-off... Now my question to you would be - as a savvy Internet "map" traveler, obviously intrigued enough to thoroughly investigate the "official" L.A. Cowboy site, did you hopefully fulfill your (presumably) initial intention and visit long enough to savor his unusual,(brilliant really) "quotes" page? Did you read any of his magnificent poetry, listen to his unique world-class music?

Just understandably curious - as you made absolutely NO remarks - positive, negative or otherwise regarding my artistic recommendations. Perhaps you were so excited and enamored to find my name buried at the back of the site under that of my acquaintance, Brooke, who built it, that you totally forgot the reason for the visit. If that be the case, I recommend you reevaluate your initial intentions and re-proceed upon the quest with a renewed vigor to investigate the artist in question, as assumedly your investigation of me is now concluded. I do believe that WAS your initial intention - to explore the artistry of L.A. Cowboy - wasn't it?

Of course if you continue to be perplexed, paralyzed by your inadvertently "remarkable" discovery, you could always e-mail Reconcile Records (although they might find such an inquiry rather bizarre - who knows, they've been quite charitable in answering MY occasional correspondence/questions.) Otherwise, I'll gently point you back to the issue at hand: seeking to personally verify a fellow JMDL's opinions regarding the prosodic treasures I've discovered and so considerately (I hope), enthusiastically shared, possibly benefiting from exposure to an artist that you too might find extraordinary. I do believe that this is why we are all inevitably here: to share our love and joy of tasteful,inspiring music. That said, I truly hope you get back on the original trail. The artistic investigation - remember? Go for it Sherlock!!



P.S. Although I'm not all that <Jeff> "special", I am rather reserved: That being the case, I hope you will understand my hesitancy in releasing my social security number, credit reports, police record (no felonies, mostly speeding tickets etc.) or rulings regarding my divorce proceedings (nothing to scandalous - just a bit too sad and personal), particularly as I don't necessarily deduce their relevancy regarding this probatively resolved situation. (wink, smirk, smile)

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