Hi everyone, ..my posts are best appreciated when imagining me giggling at my computer....I laugh a lot !

Been reading the deluge of posts and trying to synthesise some thoughts but getting nowhere fast. As ever, Fred's got me thinking. Where would we be without him. Anyhoo, this notion about critics and personal taste has made me reflect upon the idea 'Has Joni realised her intent in putting together 'Travelogue' So my question is not to anyone on the list but to Joni herself

'What were you thinking about woman?'

I laughed about one of the other posts about the tight knickered Brits. Would that include the maestro himself Signor Mendoza? In reading the rest of that post I realise a change of heart has taken place...so it is posssible and I want to be one of them.

Serious thought time.....( not gigling but looking quizzical) ..again its Fred that's go tme thinking....is it possible to express ideas which are objective?

I'm off to put on a realy tight pair of pants ( work that one out)


PS Have a good weekend all.

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