I, too, was "somewhat present" at that Jonifest (no cracks from Paz,
please) and will attest that the cookbook is one that deserves greater
distribution. But I forget why that didn't happen.  Did Marian and Jerry
and the others for whom it was a labor of love just burn out?  Too many
lost little gray cells - please refresh my memory.

As for Kakki's observation that Joni's comment testifies to the
creativity and talent of the people on this list, I feel moved to add
that it isn't as if we don't get regular proof of that.  On this list,
on disc, in person at Fests and informal gatherings - time and time
again I am blown away by the intelligence of this community, as well as
the humor that many of our members bring to their wry observations of
life and love.  Add to that the passion, the caring and the positive
spirit that so many members bring to living and you have a positively
addictive mix.  By golly, I'm high as I write this!

Maggie McNally

NP:  Jonifest 2001:  Chuck E., Trouble Child

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kakki [mailto:kakkib@;vzavenue.net]
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:28 AM
> To: Jerry Notaro; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Cookbook
> Jerry wrote:
> > Yes she did, though we never did get it printed up for mass 
> distribution.
> BUT, I
> > do still have it and the cover electronically and will send 
> it out to
> anyone who
> > asks. Just don't ask for any more revisions. Those are done!
> I still wish we could do a mass distribution of it.  Jerry - 
> even though I
> was somewhat (lol) present at the J-Fest where some multiple special
> editions were given by Marian, I never got to see them!  I 
> would love to see
> a pic of the cover if you can email it.  I've told the story 
> before so sorry
> for the redundancy - but for newer listers - when I saw Joni 
> at her '99
> painting exhibit in L.A. ALL she wanted to talk about was 
> that cookbook.
> She absolutely loved it.  People around us were changing the 
> subject but she
> kept going back to the cookbook and the bios (very clever and 
> funny) that we
> sent along with it.  The best part of all was an interview 
> published a few
> months later where she mentioned the cookbook from her 
> "internet people"
> most glowingly ;-)  She really loved it - a testament to the 
> creativity and
> talent of the people here.
> Kakki

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