Steve Dulson wrote:
> Actually, we have discussed this - some dedicated archive surfer
> might be able to find the posts. My contention is that the person
> on the cover of DJRD more endowed than our
> Siquomb.

That was my first thought, too, based on the swimming pool picture and
the ones of her in the desert. And, to veer even more toward the
indelicate... our Siquomb is a natural blonde, yes? and the figure on
the dress isn't.

I vaguely recognize the figure from some painting, but can't pinpoint or
find which one. It's never struck me as sexy even though it is nude.
Joni's liveliness in that photo is much more appealing to me. 

And thanks to Bree (I think) for pointing out that the way the figure is
holding her arms is similar to the way Joni has been photographed.
Interesting. I still don't think the nude figure is Joni, but there may
have been some unconscious copying going on in the photos. Maybe it's a
painting Joni really loves.

Now that I'm looking closely at the cover, what's with all those
big-eared cartoon images? Doves I can understand, a nude "art" figure
makes sense, too, but mickey mouse???

Debra Shea

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