ok...I think I am coming across wrong here....Lori's practically calling me a Puritan or Tipper Gore!!!
No one here knows me anyway so no one can appreciate how funny that is. I guess next time I see a video with a half naked woman singing about being rubbed while watched by 10 sweaty men, I'll sit back, smile and think to myself, what classy woman,what a positive message, whatever it takes to make a living, you go girl, good for you, and hope my young daughter wants to grow up and be just like her.

I realize this has been going on since the beginning of time....I guess I'm just wondering if there is ever a point when it becomes too over the top? Is it all about $$$, does that justify all entertainers to portray ANY image? Is there ever a case for an "artist" to be held responsible for the repercusions? I am not preaching these ideas just throwing them out there into space to see what kind of judgement I'll receive.

peace out,

From: "mack watson-bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "mack watson-bush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: whores NJC
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 14:07:53 -0600

Erica wrote:

.So because of that fact she doesn't look like a whore?

Haven't paid much attention to her but don't think she looks like a whore
(if there is a way that whores look), anymore than the countless number of
men and women that litter the beaches and swimming pools each summer.

> Agularia knows what she's doing, she's making alot of $$$, if dressing up
> like a penguin and tap dancing brought home the bacon, she'd be doing

I say good for her. If she is smart to enough to find her fortune now,
more power to her.

> I'm just saying she is doing everything short of wearing only dental floss
> to SELL herself.

That is nothing new. Has been going on since time began, in different ways
by different people.

Now if this is just a discussion about defining "whore"
> it's pointless,

Could be, as could be a discussion about whether or not certain entertainers
sell out, are true to their art, do it just for the sake of art or
themselves, etc.

> her image more important than the music?

Totally subjective to whomever is judging.

If we went back in time 30 years
> with no MTV around would this girl ever make it?

Who knows. Plenty of women, and men, that are more or less similar to her
that did.

I'm just frustrated with
> the fact that musical talent is taking a back seat to T and A like it
> has before.

If that is true and I don't know that it is, it would be pretty
disheartening. Great thing about free choice, we can ignore those we want
to and buy the music that we like.

Hey she's a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub her the right way.

Beautiful Erica. lol.


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