I 've had a nasty fright this morning at about 4am. John woke me up and
asked me to call a dr. In the 21 years we have been together he has
never asked for a dr (and the only time we have been was to the hospital
after the Haagen Daz incident.). He said he couldn't breathe and the
left of his chest hurt. Now when i picked him up from the station
earlier this evening, i knew he looked ill. he has just come back from
Delhi. I kept as cool as cucumber but was shitting myself inside when i
called the dr. It turns out he has a chest infection and has been given
antibios and an inhaler. I am scared and hope this is all it is. He went
to India at very short notice and has been working non stop since his
The thought of John being ill terrifies me. He never has been and I
couldn't see him suffer.
We have our Danish friend here and in an hour we are supposed to be
going to Harvey's first show. Obviously, I am not going so Marianne will
take Harvey on her own. She took him outside without me and he showed
for her so maybe he will at the show. Funny how things work out.

So send your best thoughts out for John please.

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