>>I'm coming back to this a little after the fact: go away for a day and find
186 emails in my inbox.  Anyway, I want to make it clear that I was IN NO WAY
suggesting that it's OK to use sexist or misogynist language about anyone.
You were reading more into my comment than was there, Mike.<<

Azeem, I know this and said so twice in my comment. I said "I know Azeem and
Jerry are not saying that it IS OK," and I also said that your comment and
Jerry's comment " could, I repeat could, be read as a justification, if one
was in a pedantic mood. Which I'm not," I think/thought that I had made it
clear that I was referring to another possible reading, which only a pedantic
person (or a normal person in a pedantic mood) could make if they were so
inclined. Everything I have read by you Azeem would lead me to the opposite
conclusion, i.e. that you are a fair minded, socially aware person with a fine
sense of right and wrong and I wouldn't expect ever to find you using or
condoning sexist, racist or other offensive language. That said, I was trying
to make clear that even people like you, or me, or anyone, can write or say
something open to misinterpretation. If I have offended you or Jerry by my
remarks I regret it, but I think/hope you will accept these words as an
explanation of why I wrote what I wrote yesterday.
mike in bcn
NP Courtney Pine. In a mellow tone

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