--- mike pritchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> I stopped liking [Woody Allen] after he started
referring to
> women as 'cunts' in his
> movies. Have I no right to stop liking him for
> whatever reason I deem
> appropriate?

a. I had no idea he had said that - which film(s)? 
b. the last Woody Allen movie I saw was the one with
Scorpion (The Jade Scorpion? or The Curse of...? in
the title (not the Scorpion King! ) and I thought it
was boring and repetative and the same old Woody
schtick. I realize I don't find it amusing anymore.
Whether or not his relationships with increasingly
younger women had some kind of subliminal effect on
that, I don't know. All I know is I find him boring.
After all these years his obsession with sex and
women, mostly younger - way younger - women, you'd
think he'd be over it by now. 

It occurred to me not too long ago that Woody's
marrying his foster/step-daughter may have been his
way of validating the fact that he really wasn't her
father and he really wasn't related to her and that
it's legal to do so. (Sort of nya-nya-inyerface kind
of thing to show that the state has no problem with
this, so why should you, world?) I still find it
distasteful, but would/should either of them care
about that? Naaah. I'm not sure what I find more
distasteful - the fact that he (may have) abused the
trust between Mia and him, between Mia and Soon-Yee
(sp?) and the trust between Soon-Yee and him; or the
fact that he's an ugly old man and he keeps going
after these young women (and for some weird reason, he
gets them too - is it his, um, charm (where?) or his
money? I dunno. I'm sure Woody doesn't care.)


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