Having been raised Catholic, 12 years of their schooling, I have serious problems with 
religion.  Having said that I now consider myself to be an atheist.  Success!  LOL!  
But seriously, Erica, I feel I live a spiritual life, granted on a different level, I 
myself to be a humanist.  And each day I "try" to be a better human being.  And I must 
although I do not believe in the bible - historically, I do remember the lessons and 
do try to
live my life in the image of a great prophet, who may have walked the earth - Jesus.  
Oh I am no saint.... and yes we all fall short.  But those bible thumpers need to look 
themselves to find their god - their Jesus.  Every Sunday, I awake to the sounds of 
car horns
yelling and impatience - from what - from the Catholic church across the street from 
me - Oh and
Easter we should have riot police here!  The cars and the scurrying for the lot or 
- it's quite the scene! It's nice to see all thoe god fearing, Jesus people going to 
worship and
immediately asking for forgiveness for being selfish hypocrites.
This does not make me better than them -God knows - (pun totally intended). However, I 
will not
demonized by any one else for my dogma.  From what I learned in Catholicism, we are 
supposed to
live in Jesus's image.  We may not succeed - but the effort should be there.  And 
those who
profess to be God's spokesperson are not without sin and need to remember that little 
about casting stones.
In my opinion your old born again co-worker was soo wrong.  And here is the real trick 
this alleged God want faith-allegiance or goodness?  I believe that goodness and good 
spirit bring
about a faith or belief.  That is why organized religion operates so ass backwards!
So if I am wrong and there is a God in my end to judge, what I may lack in faith 
hopefully will
more than made up for in effort and work and some success in living as a fair minded, 
peaceful human being.
No "one" died for our sins.  For mine alone he's have to die a thousand deaths!  LOL!
Thanks for letting the atheist vent.
NP: Jonatha Brook/Room In My Heart
> --- "Erica L. Trudelle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Colin wrote:
> > 
> > I find it odd that people who profess such a love of Jesus can be so much 
> > the
> > opposite of what he stood for.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > This seems to be a reoccuring subject topic in conversations I have been 
> > having lately......there is alot to be said about this, I wish I had written 
> > my term paper on it in my "Psychology of Religion" class! I find it makes 
> > people a little uncomfortable when you bring up the idea of what would Jesus 
> > do in certain situations. A born-again guy I used to work with was very 
> > upset with the idea that we could do anything but WORSHIP Jesus and just 
> > thank him, when I would bring up living by example he got upset and would 
> > say something like "We all fall short" "No one can be like 
> > Jesus".....obviously he wasn't open to a conversation about it, I'd usually 
> > just let it end there. He told me I was going to hell anyway because I loved 
> > Bob Marley and was always reading Buddhist teachings, "Buddha didn't DIE FOR 
> > OUR SINS." He'd always say.
> > 
> > Erica
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________
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