I very recently saw Judy Collins in concert, and although I really like her 
and it was a great concert, Judy's voice is not what it used to be at all. 

Judy's voice isn't what it was, correct. I last heard her in concert about 15 
months ago and she sounded great (though "different") than when she was much 
younger. It's true she has "off " days, I'm sure. In fact, from the late 70s 
to the mid 90s her voice was "off" more than it was on. It's only in recent 
years that she's been singing consistently well (and able to achieve and 
sustain some remarkable high notes, higher than in her youth). If she was 
"off" in a recent performance, perhaps it was a fluke; I hope so.

(Liking T'log More and More as I listen)

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