I'm glad to see that there is another Danny Kirwan admirer out there. I especially love his stuff with the Mac(Woman of 1,000 years, Dust, Bare Trees, Station Man, etc...). All of the Mac guitarist have been so great because they have concentrated on making their guitar work show off the song and not themselves. I think this is the main reason why they never come up when people discuss great guitarist. They never do these overly done unnecessary solos. Not even on the instrumentals can you say that they are trying to overpower a song with their guitar chops. You can say this for Peter Green all the way down to Lindsey Buckingham. This is so often a mistake committed by well known guitarist (ex.- Eddie Van Halen), Even Jimmy hendrix often time overdid it, despite the fact that he played in a time when solo extravaganzas were the norm. Don't get me wrong, I like Jimmy. I think that even Clapton sometimes over plays. Bonnie definitely underplays. Even in her early albums I'm always left wanting just a little bit more slide before the song is over. I think under doing the solos is much better than overdoing it.

<NP Fleetwood Mac "Bare Trees" maof (miniscule amount of filler) plus
<some of the best interweaving guitar work from two of the most
<tasteful guitar players to ever grace the planet - Danny Kirwan and
<Bob Welsh - Kick-ass, refined guitar work!! Also some great songs -
<"Danny's Song" I just love!! Here is a guitar player "singing" with
<his guitar. It is his "voice" and he is communicating his feelings
<,through it. There are is some cool meaningless, chanting, but that is
<almost the "instrumentation" (get it, it's backwards) for the
<,guitar's "voice". Ah, those world-class pro "lead" guitar players, ya
<gotta love em' (worship is strictly optional) lol

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