The selection of songs on Travelogue seems to me to be a subtle look at the current 
political climate, and what that in turn, has done to the post-September-11th 

Travelogue is not only a revisitation of some very haunted emotional states for the 
individual, but also a retrospective of phsysical journeys and pilgrimages - Hejira 
and Woodstock, to cite two examples. The constant search for paradise is a recurrant 
theme in Joni's work and she seems to be re-addressing it here.

The political overtones are pretty obvious, given the paintings of Osama and Geoge W. 
Bush. Lines like "While Muslims stick up Washington" take on a whole new meaning, 25 
years after they were penned. The song Borderline reveals an awareness of physical 
borders as well as internal ones - the changing of "pretense" in the song to "defense" 
is interesting. Getting ourselves back to the garden, it would seem, is paramount in a 
world so filled with turmoil. 

A very appropriate selection of songs, given the current political climate.

Just some very sketchy, initial thoughts on the political theme.

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