>>After 35 years in the business, the original woman with a guitar is one of
few artists on a par with Bob Dylan.<<

quite an assumption (and subtly sexist at that)...that dylan is the one to
be on a par with...how about dyan is one of the few artists to be on a par
with joni? i know, preaching to the choir here but i could not help myself

>>Stars and Light, a biography of the singer, explains, Mitchell
has threatened to quit before. This time, however, there's a difference.
Following the W article, Mitchell stopped doing interviews. "That's a
worrying sign," says the biographer. "Her songs are her babies and she
always promotes them. So she could actually mean it."<<<

oops, someone has not done their homework! stars? also interesting that
karen (the biographer) is quoted as saying that joni always promotes her
songs when her book shows quite the opposite...many times joni went against
the accepted business practice of record, promote, tour)  by going on
retreat following a release (to greece, to the sunshine coast in bc, on a

>>Furthermore, Mitchell's sales have never matched her influence and

i agree that her influence & critical standing is beyond what her sales have
been but her sales have been pretty decent imo...she's had hit songs (early
with other people doing her songs, but eventually herself) & had one or more
gold records & i imagine she does very well in the royalty department
(thanks to her wisdom early on of hanging on to all of her publishing)....

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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