Franklin>I believe most songwriters, including the author of the bestseller
"The Craft of Lyrical Songwriting" would consider it a craft.<

writing lyrics & melody is art, craft, inspiration & perspiration...

Franklin> A TINY FRACTION?? What planet did you say you're from?
Listened to any commercial radio lately - like in the last twenty

victor is correct...what you hear on commercial radio is but a tiny fraction
of the music that is being produced & released throughout the
world...commercial radio is not an accurate gauge as to the quantity &
quality of music out there...

Franklin> I'll assume this is a personal confession... difficult for
who? That's an unmerited assumption.  I've read scads of articles
involving songs I've found to be lyrically sophisticated, tasteful
and wonderful where the writer says, "it just all flowed right off
the pen."<

sure, some songs do flow off the pen & are considered a precious gift by the
songwriter...however, the vast majority take some work (craft as you have
mentioned)...a skilled lyricist can make the result appear easy...

Franklin> And yes, unfortunately, as time will attest,
lyric-writing is a lower "art" as you call it, than poetry. I would
simply suggest that the two are mutually exclusive - truely timeless
poetry being the "art", while contemporary lyric-writing would
probably be considered more of a "craft" by most literary experts. <<

in your opinion...
in mine, i don't subscribe to the 'this is art, this is not art' school of
thought...nor would i give any credibility to any so-called literary experts
who only understand lyric writing to be  craft- if so they've never spent
much time as a lyricist...(could this be a case of those who can, do, those
who can't claim to be experts?) btw, if lyric writing is only craft then how
would you explain a song that just flowed off the pen?

Kate Bennett:
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