I found a fascinating interview of Joni on the web at
http://www.kgsr.com/iTOOLIncludes/6305.php .   Probably an article knocked
around here before, but for newbies, really intriguing.  It really gives you
some insight into where Joni is coming from.  She describes how she balances
painting, poetry and writing music:

"So psychologically, I think, that the switching from poetry to painting and
back to music, there are three different psychologies, really. When you
paint, you shut down the inner dialogue completely. You come down to
synapses, you know, and occasionally an voice, like Robbie the Robot, goes
"Red in the upper right-hand corner." You know, it comes down to impulses.
Poetry is almost insane. You have to stir up overlapping thoughts, chaos in
your mind and then pluck from it. Without the painting to clear the head, I
don't think I could do it. And the music has always been -- you know, the
music, I think, is a true gift and has always been kind of soothing to me
and not a problem. You know, the poetry is psychologically dangerous and the
painting kind of balances it out."

She also touches on many of the issues we have been knocking around.  A must
read, I think.

Ron in LA

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: joni as a poet

> My little desk dictionary defines "poet" as "a creative artist of great
sensitivity."  Fits Joni to a "T" methinks.(But now I'm wondering how the
expression "to a T" originated. Anyone? Class? Jimmy? Jenny? Bueller? :-)
> Bonus definition:
> poetaster - n. : an inferior poet. (and looky...there's a picture of
eminem next to it) ;-)
> -Julius

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