Birthday Girl-terrible film with Nicole Kidman. Stupid unrealistic ending. ven tho they made Nicole dowdy in this, her beauty was still obvious.

Wendigo-well what the hell was that about? Finsihed just when it got interesting. intersting phography, and the story looked as if it might be but it all went nowhere.

There has been a dearth of good films recently.

oh watched The Time Machin-bought it cheap. one cannot rent it here becasue AOL/Warner are asking ridiculous terms for rentals so Bl;ockbusters and evrryone else told them to stuff it. That goes for all their films.
Anyway quite enjoyed this. Guy Pierce is very good looking. However, he looked very thin in this which rather spoiled his looks. don't know if this is how he looks now or if he was asked to lose weight for the film.
The film got confusing. There is a point where jermey irons says to Guy Pierce's cahracter something like'i wouldn't be here without you'. it didn't make sense.

The photography was good and the whole thing was imaginative. Not a brilliant film but enjoyable.

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