Very well put, Mark. A critic's duty is to criticize
constructively, not presume to know better than the
artist who conceived the project - excellent point. 

I have some trouble with the Dog Eat Dog album but
love some of the individual tracks, for instance. But
never would it occur to me to say "Joni should not
have made this record," or "What was Joni thinking?!" 

I know what she was trying to do and appreciate it
because I love her mind. To her it may have succeeded
marvelously but it's naturally not going to tickle
everyone's fancy. The same goes for any given album. 

It's a fine line between opinion and criticism and an
even finer line between criticism and denigration. The
key is to be constructive, objective and thoughtful
when analyzing your feelings for another person's
creation, always keeping in mind that it's an
expression of another individual's interior world -
their thoughts, their vision, their ideas - and that
the critic, therefore, has a tremendous responsibility
to be thorough in his or her analysis. 


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