Much thanks for the link, Ron in LA.  This interview filled in a gap in my
history when I was out of touch.  I haven't been reading Karen's book.  I
dunno.  I'm hesitant to finish it.  It's like when I was first on the list
and found the discography page.  "Uh-oh."  I knew I had lots more Joni than
anyone else I knew but did I really want to have it ALL?  It felt like I'd
lose my amateur status or something and take on the mantle of a "fanatic".
I don't have all of the Beatles.  I don't know what I'm missing.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading the article.  I didn't know much about the dental
problems and the financial problems in the 80s and this article filled in
some gaps.  As is always the case, an excerpt isn't the same- it just don't
do it- but if someone wants to play along, see if you can find the typo in
this excerpt.............
"I have a painter's ego and a love -- I get a thrill of just opposing one
color against another. I get like a private rush. I'm an only child. It's a
form of solitary play. If I put that color next to that color and add
another color, you know, I get a buzz.

It's the same with music. I think I paint -- I don't have any of the
musician's languages. I read as a child, but I let the reading ability go. I
don't use it in the recording process. I don't -- because I fiddle around
with the guitar so much that I'm not playing it normally anyway, the
numerical language that some musicians have, doesn't mean anything within my
system, nor does the alphabetical system. I don't know what key I'm playing
in. But with -- so I'm a sophisticated ignorant is basically what I am. But
there are people who can come in, listen to what I play, write it out and
follow it. My harmony is selected by my own interest in the same way that I
would select to put that color next to that color. You know, I've produced
most of my albums, except during my marriage to Chuck and we did more
collaboration. You know, just so that we could see each other, because, you
know, albums are kind of consuming. And, yeah, I think of myself as a
painter who writes music.

np: Shawn Colvin's "Steady On" on vinyl
Since the radio didn't have much good stuff when this came out, how come
this LP was a cut-out?  What the hell?

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