I  got a couple of E-mails asking for a little more info about my self. This
is one of the friendliest groups I've been in or it's the old know your enemy.
Time will tell.
 I'm in Toronto Canada celebrating birthday week. I have a wife and 3 kids. We
all have birthdays between Nov16 and the 27. Not planned that's just the way
the cookie crumbles.
 I'm a song writer, guitar player, portraitist, carpenter, drywaller, etc...
and earn a living fixing gym equipment and doing renovations on the side. All
the trades allow me to keep making music and drawing pictures with out having
to involve money.
 I could go on like this for many years as you are sure to find out so let me
end it here by saying it's very nice to finally find a place where people know
who Joni is with out any effort on my part.

Dead Fred

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