Sorry about the inelegant title, but I've lost the original thread; it was on 
the subject of Joni being the only female singer-songwriter who's writing 
about growing old.  Well, I agree that there aren't many of them around, but 
I would like to raise a cheer for Kate & Anna McGarrigle's wonderful album 
Heartbeats Accelerating, which has some beautiful songs on this very topic, 
including the quietly devastating "I Eat Dinner".  

And then there's the superb new album from Linda Thompson, which is 
unmistakably the work of a middle-aged woman who's been through a lot and 
emerged bloodied but unbowed, and indeed with a new lease of creative life.

Until she was tragically taken from us, Laura Nyro, too, was writing and 
singing passionately about all manner of things that were clearly close to 
her heart and relevant to where she was in her life.

And as for female performers who've retained their dignity into middle age: 
well, we had Joni contrasted with Cher and Tina Turner; the name that is 
screaming to be mentioned here is the redoubtable Bonnie Raitt, an examplar 
of all that is honourable and admirable in being a touring musician.  A few 
others that spring to mind, mostly a bit younger than Joni, would be: 

Lucinda Williams (round about 50 and a formidable and fabulous woman)
June Tabor (has grown and developed her own unique niche)
Marianne Faithfull (an object lesson in how to grow old disgracefully)
Jane Siberry (a true genius, whose next record is always eagerly awaited by 
the faithful)
Emmylou Harris

Azeem in London

PS Although I'm not a big fan, I can't resist the temptation to pre-empt 
Colin and say "what about Carly Simon?" - still singing as well as ever, 
despite having "partied" with the best of them!

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